Friends I've Met

Before I left, my friend Frank told me that he'd like to live vicariously through the travels, and to accomplish this goal, we thought it would be fun to keep a wall of friends I've met along my way. 

Below are people - old friends, new friends, friends of friends, strangers - who have hosted me so far in some way or another. I asked each to answer the question "why'd you decide to help me out?" 

Dave Haley & friends / Cardiff, Wales

Dave Haley & friends / Cardiff, Wales

Adrian & Rebekah Leeson and family / Belfast, Northern Ireland

Adrian & Rebekah Leeson and family / Belfast, Northern Ireland

For the love of squash & you seemed like a decent guy. See you next year!

Nobody like Lew
Living the Dream
Yet doesn’t want to be seen
Always focused on team

Igori Dinga / Chisinau, Moldova

Igori Dinga / Chisinau, Moldova

Потому что ты мой брат по сквошу.

Pentru că ești frate de squash.

Cause’ you’re my squash bro.

Stoil Jilev / Sofia, Bulgaria

Stoil Jilev / Sofia, Bulgaria

It is still normal here, to help others :)

And I feel that is correct

Marko Matanovic / Belgrade, Serbia

Marko Matanovic / Belgrade, Serbia

Vasilis Bardis, Rhodes, Greece

Vasilis Bardis, Rhodes, Greece

Most of the time, most of our dreams do come true

Liz Dawes and family / Melbourne, Australia

Liz Dawes and family / Melbourne, Australia

Because Jordan asked me to

The Blasberg Family / Watch Hill, Rhode Island

The Blasberg Family / Watch Hill, Rhode Island

We let you sleep on our couch because we love you!! We will even give you a bed!!

Grzgorz Kultys and Marzena Marcinkowski / Gdynia, Poland

Grzgorz Kultys and Marzena Marcinkowski / Gdynia, Poland


In simple words, I’m Pole and Poles are very hospitable – according to our tradition, as we say in Poland “Quest at home, God at home”. It means, “to always welcome quests with honors, respect and smile on a face”. Besides, I’m an naval officer, it this is also important.

Agne Selem and Domas Girtavicius / Vilnius, Lithuania

Agne Selem and Domas Girtavicius / Vilnius, Lithuania

...because it sounded like an adventure

Miks Uzans / Riga, Latvia

Miks Uzans / Riga, Latvia

I didnt really have any reason to say no, and I had the chance to accommodate you:)

Yeah, so why not?

I could find million reasons why not to do smth, but these are only excuses.

”Kāpēc ne?”

Literally - why not?

And often we miss our opportunities to meet good people, to travel somewhere, to achieve something just because we were scared, not open enough, and so we make excuses why not to do something.

Ieva Raudsepa & family / Riga, Latvia

Ieva Raudsepa & family / Riga, Latvia

Mike ir draugs mana draudzenei Ērikai, kas mūs iepazīstināja e-pastā. Ērika ir viens no sirsnīgākajiem cilvēkiem, ko pazīstu, tādēļ nešaubijos, ka arī Mike būs ļoti jauks, un domāju, ka būtu forši iepazīties arī dzīvē. Piekritu izmitināt Mike, jo man tā man likās, kā forša iespēja parādīt kādam Rīgu no savas perspektīvas. Reizē, man arī šķiet, ka ir labi izpalīdzēt citiem arī tad, kad nav pilnīgi nekāda pienākuma to darīt. Protams, vienmēr pastāv kaut kāds risks - iespējams, cilvēki, ko uzņem mājās, nepazīstot, tev beigās nemaz neiepatīkas vai pat kaitina, bet to nekad nevar paredzēt. Pastāv milzīga iespēja, ka viss būs pavisam pretēji - jāuzticas nejaušībai. Tiešām ticu tam, ka, ja esi tam atvērts, notiek brīnumi!

Mike is a friend of my friend Erika who introduced us via e-mail. Erika is one of the kindest people I know, so - even before I actually met him - I was positive that Mike would also be a very nice person and I thought it would be cool to meet in real life. I agreed to help out Mike because I thought it could be a cool opportunity to show him Riga from my perspective. Also, I believe that it’s good to help out others even when you have completely no obligation to do it. Of course, in situations like these, there’s always a risk - it’s possible that the people that you agree to host, aren’t really similar to you, you might end up not liking them or even being annoyed by their actions, but you can never really predict that. There’s a huge possibility that it will be completely opposite - so you have to trust the random cosmic noise that settles these types of encounters. I really think that if you’re open to randomness, magical things can happen.

Kulliki Kristianson & dogs Delandros Archie Elliot, Perfect Stranger No Problem, Tazkia Bohemia Genao / Tallinn, Estonia

Kulliki Kristianson & dogs Delandros Archie Elliot, Perfect Stranger No Problem, Tazkia Bohemia Genao / Tallinn, Estonia

Because [my daughter] Janika called me up one day and told me he was coming

Aliis Allas and Ardo Nömm / Parnü, Estonia

Aliis Allas and Ardo Nömm / Parnü, Estonia

Uute inimestega tutvumine, eriti squashi mängijatega ning nende abistamine lisab elule värvi. Me mõlemad oleme reisinud mööda maailma ja teame, mis tunne see on. Squashi kogukond maailmas on nagu väike perekond.Teiste mängijatega tutvumine ja ideede jagamine toob meie kohalikule Pärnu squashi kogukonnale palju kasu ja uut hingamist.

Meeting great new people, especially squash players and helping them out if possible is what makes life interesting and fun. We both have been travelling around the world and we know how it feels. Squash community is a small family.Meeting other players and exchanging ideas is very helpful for our small squash community in Pärnu.

Jaakko Vahamaa and family / Espoo, Finland

Jaakko Vahamaa and family / Espoo, Finland

Tapasin Miken ensimmäistä kertaa PSA-kiertueella Uudessa-Seelannissa ja ollaan pelattu parissa samassa kisassa sen jälkeen. Miken kanssa tulee helposti juttuun ja hän on mukava tyyppi. Kun kuulin että rohkea amerikkalaispoika on tulossa kauas pohjolaan niin tietysti halusin tarjota hänelle paikan majoittua ja tartuin samalla tilaisuuteen esitellä rakasta kotimaatani niinkuin moni on tehnyt meikäläiselle matkustellessani kilpailuissa ympäri maailmaa. Vietimme toiminnantäyteisen päivän ja ehdimme nähdä ja kokea paljon Helsingissä ja kotikaupungissani Espoossa. Olimme myös onnekkaita, koska viettämämme päivä Helsingin keskustassa oli varmasti yksi vuoden kauneimpia kesäpäiviä. Mutta niinkuin usein käy, aika loppui kesken ja vielä jäi paljon nähtävää ensi kertaa varten. Toivon Mikelle nautinnollista ja turvallista jatkoa matkallaansa minne hän ikinä päättääkään mennä ja nähdään jälleen kiertueella!

I met Mike in New Zealand in PSA tour for the first time and we have played couple of same tournaments after that. Mike is easy to get along with and he is a very nice guy. When I heard this brave american fellow is far from home and coming here in North I was thrilled to offer him a place to stay and in the meantime it gave me an oppurtunity to introduce my beloved motherland. I’ve been billeted so many times during my visits in other countries all over the world during the tournaments that it felt exciting to be on the other side this time. We spent one day full of activities, experienced and saw a lot in Helsinki and in my home town Espoo. We were also bit lucky as the day we spent in Helsinki must have been one of the most beautiful summer days this year! But as often happens we run out time and lot of things we skipped this time were left to be experienced in the future. I wish Mike an enjoyable and safe trip wherever he decides to head next and see you again on tour!

Carl Trosdahl / Stockholm, Sweden

Carl Trosdahl / Stockholm, Sweden

Josefine Almegran & Elvira Svedmalm / Stockholm, Sweden

Josefine Almegran & Elvira Svedmalm / Stockholm, Sweden

Den galna svenska bostadsmarknaden (vi har en pluttig lägenhet) ledde till att vi tyvärr inte kunde erbjuda min goda vandringsvän Mike husrum men vi tog med honom på fotbolls-VM för damer på Stockholms bästa klubb.
Due to the crazy living situation in Stockholm (we have a tiny apartment) we could not offer my hiking friend Mike a place to stay. However, we did give him a night a stockholm’a best club watching women’s World Cup.

Neha Kumar / Copenhagen, Denmark

Neha Kumar / Copenhagen, Denmark

Tommy Burt & family / Asuncion, Paraguay

Tommy Burt & family / Asuncion, Paraguay

I decided to help out out of duty to a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend, for the rare anecdotal bragging right of hosting a squash player who is going around the world, and the opportunity to make a new friend (which is very much what happened!). SUERTE!

Daniel and Nahuel Ramos / Buenos Aires & Resistencia, Argentina

Daniel and Nahuel Ramos / Buenos Aires & Resistencia, Argentina

First of all because you look like a good person, and that’s what you finally were. You are really social and that’s what made us help you ‘til the end.

Fernando Rodriguez-Villa / London, England

Fernando Rodriguez-Villa / London, England

Whether in Quilmes, Tortuga, Charlottesville or on D-side vanquishing freshmen, Mike has been a key ingredient for any adventure. I’m thrilled to join the cast of thousands who’ve been able to play a part in this one of his! Whether you break #200 or not, Mike, your #3 position on the Best Man List is safe. Your grey dri-fit will be waiting for you when you get back, I’m pretty sure.

Cristina Baucells & Alba Mallol / La Massana, Andorra

Cristina Baucells & Alba Mallol / La Massana, Andorra

Hi mike !! You are a nice person and we know how hard it is when you are out of home and on your own. We want you to know that we are here to help you always !!

Enda Murphy & Grainne O'Toole / Dublin, Ireland

Enda Murphy & Grainne O'Toole / Dublin, Ireland

Because he’s sound

Padraig Jones & Niamh O'Callaghan / Galway, Ireland

Padraig Jones & Niamh O'Callaghan / Galway, Ireland

Why? Well as we say in Ireland “just for the craic”.

My sister had told us about Mike’s couch surfing story and put us in contact, but we also had the pleasure of Mike’s father’s company on his trip to Ireland. We really enjoyed their stay, their stories and was great fun. Who knows Mike may even ditch the squash and take up hurling :)

Emily Broas / Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Emily Broas / Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Stroopwafel Sundays in Sassenheim are the new Waffle Wednesdays at Bain

...but seriously, this is the stuff of dreams. Keep squashin’ em!

KJ Lee / Seoul, South Korea

KJ Lee / Seoul, South Korea

‘마이크’라는 사람이 한국에 온다고 해서 친구 부탁으로 점심이나 하려고 했는데, 결국 둘이 점심저녁에 후식을 7개나 먹은 것을 보면, 마이크는 진짜 멋있는게 맞죠.

I was going to have one lunch with a certain Mike who was visiting for a friend’s sake. Then we ended up having 2 meals and 7 desserts together. That’s how cool Mike is.

Chris Yamamoto / Kyoto, Japan

Chris Yamamoto / Kyoto, Japan

For humanity and world peace! Seriously, I’m a traveler myself and who doesn’t want to help out another fellow traveler chasing after his dreams. More friends is better life. Always. Spread the love and spread the dream. I hope more and more of this happens around the world. Best of luck mate and I will see you soon!

Yohay Wakabayashi / Tokyo, Japan

Yohay Wakabayashi / Tokyo, Japan

US college squash is such a small world in a great way and it is always my pleasure to be the host in Tokyo. I was inspired by Mike’s pursuit of his dream and honored to be part of his journey.

PS- Mike invited himself to my wedding (someday in the future and somewhere in the world) so we’ll definitely stay connected.

Addeen Idrakie and Mohammad Syafiq Kamal / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Addeen Idrakie and Mohammad Syafiq Kamal / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

You are friendly n talkative player thats why I decide to help you..

Molly and Terry Bevan & family / Vail, Colorado

Molly and Terry Bevan & family / Vail, Colorado

We found Mike frozen in a snowbank with a squash racquet sticking out of the ice and who doesn’t want to learn how to play squash? Plus he is my brother so how am I supposed to say no?

Sheryl Sandberg and Dave Goldberg / Menlo Park, California

Sheryl Sandberg and Dave Goldberg / Menlo Park, California

Mike who? We thought he was a hard up tennis player passing through and we were hoping he could inspire our kids to love tennis. We will keep trying to find the right person but if you know a great tennis player, please let us know. Despite his squash focus, Mike was a delight to have stay with us. We’ll keep him in the family

Crosby Slaught / San Francisco, California

Crosby Slaught / San Francisco, California

As the former Vice President of the Santa Barbara High School Squash Club I was happy to help out a teammate and friend, and have the opportunity to support Mike on his epic journey

Steve Anastos, Eric Durell, Sarah Feldmann and friends / Boston, Massachusetts

Steve Anastos, Eric Durell, Sarah Feldmann and friends / Boston, Massachusetts

We didn’t know he would bring all his friends

Betsy and Michael Lewis / Hanover, New Hampshire

Betsy and Michael Lewis / Hanover, New Hampshire

We always tell our kids to follow their dreams- although we never thought that would involve our couch!

Nick O'Neill / Washington, D.C.

Nick O'Neill / Washington, D.C.

There’s just no one like Lew

Becca Lewis & Tim Hade / New York City, New York

Becca Lewis & Tim Hade / New York City, New York

No decision to be made. We’ve been following Mikey’s journey since May - proud and envious but mostly proud - to have the opportunity to be a part of his amazing experience and host him: no question, in!

Dan Hochman and friends / New York City, New York

Dan Hochman and friends / New York City, New York

Thrilled to be able to support the pursuit of a dream

The Millar Family / Harare, Zimbabwe

The Millar Family / Harare, Zimbabwe

Because he has the same name as my uncle and because Pete Rawson, my brother in law, is so awesome and Pete asked me if I would I host Mike. Pete’s awesome and I just love him and Pete just loved Mike

Richard Fox Morris / Harare, Zimbabwe

Richard Fox Morris / Harare, Zimbabwe

Why not

Catherine "The Ress" Ressijac / Hwedza, Zimbabwe

Catherine "The Ress" Ressijac / Hwedza, Zimbabwe

Mikey Lew didn’t just teach me how to make kale four ways. He taught me that 9 Symphony Road, Boston, MA, was not a temporary address during a fickle period of my life, but instead it was a family that would stay with me from sea to shining sea.

The Meyer Family / Stellenbosch, South Africa

The Meyer Family / Stellenbosch, South Africa

Friend of a friend via Steve Anastos, returning the favour after a great US trip in 2012

Janine and Margot Leger / Plettenberg Bay, South Africa

Janine and Margot Leger / Plettenberg Bay, South Africa


The Hodgson Family / Knysna, South Africa

The Hodgson Family / Knysna, South Africa

We decided to help you out because you came highly recommended by the Brown family (especially Meg!). Having said that though, if any of our family had met you on the beach or anywhere in Knysna and had got chatting to you, we would have invited you to stay anyway, if you had told us you had nowhere to go for Christmas! :)

Andre Brink / Cape Town, South Africa

Andre Brink / Cape Town, South Africa

Because I’m Mr. Camps Bay!

Pierre Heitzmann/ Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Pierre Heitzmann/ Dubai, United Arab Emirates

I was introduced to Mike by a colleague from the office in Dubai. Unfortunately, I had travel plans in Qatar when Mike was planning to play the Dubai squash cup. We finally met the day of the finals, when Mike was doing an exhibition game, one day before his departure to South Africa. The following day, Mike hinted he was hesitating to stay in Dubai for an additional week. We met again and I naturally offered him to stay on a coach bed in my apartment. As a squash aficionado, I finally saw the opportunity to get to know (I had checked his blog) and play squash with this amazing coach-surfing squash player - ranked PSA player No. 222 at that time! The following week, I introduced Mike to other squash players in Dubai, we played squash a few times, and we had some good discussions about squash and life. I have to say I did not regret it: Mike is an amazing person and a very, very nice guy. Good luck for the rest of your world PSA tour Mike!

The Uy Family / Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The Uy Family / Dubai, United Arab Emirates

All the best Mike for 2015 and more blessings

US Ambassador Tim Broas and family / The Hague, The Netherlands

US Ambassador Tim Broas and family / The Hague, The Netherlands

Mike is practically part of our family and so it was natural to welcome him here to our new home in The Hague

Renier Von Lanschot / Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Renier Von Lanschot / Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Any friend of Maurits is a friend of mine

Steve Brennan / Brussels, Belgium

Steve Brennan / Brussels, Belgium

Mike hosted me at Dartmouth when I was a high school prospie .. How could I not return the favor?

Charlotte Urgese and Amanda Tedone / Paris, France

Charlotte Urgese and Amanda Tedone / Paris, France

Ti abbiamo ospitato per essere parte della tua meravigliosa esperienza.. Continua cosi!! Ti amiamooo / We host you because we wanted to be part of your amazing experience...keep going !! We love you !!!!!!!!!!!!

Annie Munger / Berlin, Germany

Annie Munger / Berlin, Germany

I’ve always wanted to be a groupie!

Nick Staunton / Barcelona, Spain

Nick Staunton / Barcelona, Spain

Because I allow squash players into my home ;)

Maria Galan and friends / Porto, Portugal

Maria Galan and friends / Porto, Portugal

“The competition was near and before coach Mike came on board we were just a group of misfits.
He really pushed us to the breaking point. And in the end we got Gold! (at the Beer Olympics)
Thank You Coach Mike!

Anton Galan / Lisbon, Portugal

Anton Galan / Lisbon, Portugal

Mike is the living proof of how small the world could be...
A few days ago my friend Hugo asked me to help his friend Mike, a guy who was traveling around the world and whose next stop was Lisbon, where I’m currently living. Hugo is a friend of mine since we were in high school, in Vigo (Spain). The funny fact is that Hugo knew Mike in Brazil playing squash and all that stuff Mike is doing in every city he stops in. So first of all I decided to help him because Hugo asked me to, but very soon I saw in Mike an interesting guy, full of good intentions, open minded and with whom I’ve had so much fun and some deep conversations during the short three days he has spent in Lisbon, proving not just that the world is smaller than what we think, but also that we all share common thoughts and values, no matter where we belong, what we do or where we go. Good luck Mike! Hope to see you soon!

Najeh, Yassine, and Halima / Casablanca & Agadir, Morocco

Najeh, Yassine, and Halima / Casablanca & Agadir, Morocco

Salut je suis ravie de votre amitie vraimemt je suis fiere et bien venu chez nous au Maroc je te maunque je suis halima la marocain, et Najeh Tunisien, et Yassine marocain / Hi, I am really glad for your friendship and I am proud to show you my home, Morocco. Sincerely Halima (Moroccan), Najeh (Tunisian), Yassine (Moroccan)

The Rocha Family / Rosario, Argentina

The Rocha Family / Rosario, Argentina

Como en esta familia somos viajeros, nos encanta sentir que podemos devolver un poco de lo que hemos recibido en nuestros viajes, y quizas Mike pueda sentirse en su hogar en un lugar inesperado. Mike pasa tiempo cotidiano con Fernanda en Boston y su presencia en Rosario nos la trae un poco mas cerca. El juega squash, viene de una familia grande, buena onda y divertido en menos de 3 dias ya es parte de la nuestra. Que tengas muy buen viaje, segui girando la raqueta y disfruta a pleno! Since most of us have been on foreign countries at least once, we love to feel like we are giving some of what we received on our trips back, and maybe he can find a home at an unexpected place of the world. Mike shared time in Boston with Fernanda and to have him at Rosario brings her a little bit closer. Squash player from a big family, humble, fun and nice person, in less than 3 days we can say Mike is another component of our family. Have a great trip, keep spinning the racket and enjoy the ride!

Misha Gordon-Rowe / Buenos Aires, Argentina

Misha Gordon-Rowe / Buenos Aires, Argentina

Because Mike hosted me on his couch in the stain after Super Tails in 2010. It was time to reciprocate the hospitality

Daniela Yoshida, Lucas Pinto, Janaina Zen / Sao Paolo, Brazil

Daniela Yoshida, Lucas Pinto, Janaina Zen / Sao Paolo, Brazil

He said if we helped him out he would put our pic in his super famous blog and we’d be famous forever. We believed him.

Andrew Cunha and Budha / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Andrew Cunha and Budha / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

It’s nice to have someone who shares the same passions- squash, etc...

Manoel Pereira / Ribeirao Preto, Brazil

Manoel Pereira / Ribeirao Preto, Brazil

I decided to help Mike because I think he is a good person.
Mike good luck in your travels, the championships and your goals.

The Claro Family / Santiago, Chile

The Claro Family / Santiago, Chile

I wanted to help you because you are doing what I always wanted to do which is traveling the world while playing squash it was really fun for the family and always importante to remember that lífe is moré than going to an office everyday and u changed up our life for five days, and we had a great time. Hope to see you soon and play more good squash.

Francisco Campos and Tammy Teixeira / Santiago, Chile

Francisco Campos and Tammy Teixeira / Santiago, Chile

Francisco: Fue muy divertido recibirlo en nuestro departamento, es muy tranquilo y gracioso. Esperemos ir a celebrar para la fiesta típica chilena con el./ It was very fun to host in our apartment, he is very quiet and fun. We are hoping to go with him to the typical chilean celebracion sept-18.
Tammy: Mike es un buen amigo, es entretenido y respetuoso. Pude mostrarle algo de Santiago para él y algunas comidas brasileñas también, espero que le haya gustado!
Tuvimos una buena comunicación por su buen español, haha ya que yo no hablo inglés, pero fue bastante entretenido recibirlo como mi primer couchsurfing y conocerlo. Espero que le vaya super bien con su viaje y con el squash!!! Quando necesite volver a Santiago, estaremos aqui para recibirlo, su casa es mi casa! jeje Como dicen los chilenos: Fue un gustazo!! / Mike is a good friend, he’s fun and polite. I have showed to him some places of Santiago and Brasilean foods, I hope that you had enjoyed it. We have a good comunication because of his good spanish (i don’t speak english), but it was very fun to host him as my first couchsurfing and met him. I hope you have a good trip and good tournament. If you want to come back to santiago, we can host you again, “our house is your house” jeje, as chilean people say: “FUE UN GUSTAZO!!”

Adam Fried, Harry Zeitlin, Jamie McCroskery, Phil Ross, Jeff Gaeto / Sydney, Australia

Adam Fried, Harry Zeitlin, Jamie McCroskery, Phil Ross, Jeff Gaeto / Sydney, Australia

We don’t want to make this weird or awkward, but we’ve been thinking about adopting you all night.

The Hill Family / Sydney, Australia

The Hill Family / Sydney, Australia

He has those impeccable manners of a well educated American. He’s relayed to our great Bay Area pals and we loved the story of his plight. Now we know we want him to become an Aussie and stay forever!

The Madison Family / Sydney, Australia

The Madison Family / Sydney, Australia

Mate- We love squash and admire your passion for global travel combined with squash. Way to go Mike!! Hope to see you soon back here down under! X The Madison family

The Seigner Family / Plum, New Caledonia

The Seigner Family / Plum, New Caledonia

et bien voilà ton séjour en Nouvelle Calédonie, dans une demi heure nous partons pour l’aéroport direction Sydney pour toi. Je suis heureuse de te connaitre tu es un très gentil garçon. Un autre fils pour moi. A cause de ta blessure je n’ai pas pu te faire faire tout c e que j’avais prévu, mais l’essentiel heureusement il te reste donc a revenir nous voir bonne continuation pour toi dans ton activité de Squash pour ton prochain voyage on jouera ensemble.....
on te fais des big kiss ta famille de Plum. ‘see you soon my son’ (my english is good...!!!) / Here we say farewell to your stay in New Caledonia, in half an hour we leave for the airport to Sydney for you. I am pleased to meet you you’re a very nice boy. Another son to me. You have to come back to visit us, good luck to you in your squash, on your next trip we will play together .....
big hug and kiss from your family Plum,

Maman Nath
Papa Olivier
sisters Loane and Loréna
brother Yendi

Izabela Szelemej / Bergen, Norway

Izabela Szelemej / Bergen, Norway

I saw Mike’s picture with the map and squash racket and he seemed like a nice guy. That’s not true: Mike is a SUPER nice guy and it was a pleasure to host him and his friend in my small apartment. I hope I will see you again Mike! I wish you luck!!!

Jacques Vallott / Sisteron, France

Jacques Vallott / Sisteron, France

Je vais parler en français (because my english is not well)....;-) c’ est a l’occasion d’un tournoi organisé par mon “petit “club de squash que j’ai rencontré un joueur que j’ai hébergé quelques jours. Mike un très bon joueur très bien classé mais avant tout c’ est un garçon super sympa que j’ai rencontré. Ce fut un plaisir de lui faire découvrir notre region nos traditions et notre nourriture. Nous avons passé de supers moments de partage et de rigolade.........Mike je te le dis à nouveau tu es le bienvenu à la maison et j’espere que tu trouveras quelques jours pour venir nous voir. Nous t’avons tous beaucoup apprécié et espérons te revoir tres vite ( pour boire un pastis).Super content d’avoir fait ta connaissance. Comme tucle dis si bien:”à tout à l’heure” / Mike is a great, highly ranked player but above all a super nice guy. It was a pleasure to have him discover our area, our traditions, and food. We had a great time of sharing and fun. He’s always welcome in our home, and I hope he finds a few days to come and see us. We all enjoyed him and hope to see him again very soon

Greg Arch / Paris, France

Greg Arch / Paris, France

How could I not?

Pierre Bady / St. Germain, France

Pierre Bady / St. Germain, France

“Super séjour avec Mike, quotoyer des joueurs psa est vraiment super moi. Et qui sait, peut- être que grâce à lui je pourrais voir Obama! / Super visit with Mike, I’m so pleased to meet a pro squash player. And who knows, maybe because of him I can now meet Obama!

Rob Hellauer and Xavier Burton / Melbourne, Australia

Rob Hellauer and Xavier Burton / Melbourne, Australia

Happy to help a dude out

Martin Knight / Auckland, New Zealand

Martin Knight / Auckland, New Zealand

Always happy to help out a traveling squash player. Great having him around

Kevin Muir / Invercargill, New Zealand

Kevin Muir / Invercargill, New Zealand

Asked by New Zealand #1 Martin Knight. Thought he would know him better

Haley Evans / Christchurch, New Zealand

Haley Evans / Christchurch, New Zealand

Our shared passion for squash and good food!

Grant and Julie Craig / Blenheim, New Zealand

Grant and Julie Craig / Blenheim, New Zealand

He seemed like a nice guy

Megan and Brian Bell / Palmerston North, New Zealand

Megan and Brian Bell / Palmerston North, New Zealand

It’s an opportunity for our kids to meet someone from a foreign country who shares the same interest. It shows them where they can go with the sport

Patrick and Rebecca Morelle / Tahiti, French Polynesia

Patrick and Rebecca Morelle / Tahiti, French Polynesia

En tant que passionné de squash, ça me fait plaisir d’aider des jeunes joueurs à participer à de tels tournois / Being very passionate about squash, it fills me with joy to help players like Mike to participate in tournaments

Jo Manca / Tahiti, French Polynesia

Jo Manca / Tahiti, French Polynesia

Les moments de convivialité en dehors des courts avec Mike sont aussi importants que son niveau de jeu / Sharing moments off court with Mike are as special to me as seeing him play

John Fletcher / Auckland, New Zealand

John Fletcher / Auckland, New Zealand

A bad recommendation from a friend [Glen Wilson] who should have known better”

Glen Wilson / Auckland, New Zealand

Glen Wilson / Auckland, New Zealand

Because I know how hard it is starting out on tour. But it’s gonna be some of the best times of your life. You’re in for quite a ride